Saturday, July 26, 2008

Web-hopping. Better than club-hopping. Wait...what!?!


I was so stationary, I can make a mindmeister of everything that went through my head.
That's saying something, since when your walking, your thoughts tend to dissipate own special theory.

Is Google taking over everything or what?!! My RSS feeds are telling me so, but heck Youtube? Blogger!?! Digg?!!!! Everything is log-in-able with my gmail account. This is tyranny I tell ya! Soon Google will be taking over my online shopping. (unless they haven't already?! amazon, are you not telling me something?). Besides they already know where we live with all the Google Earth bizness. Frankly, I'm afraid for my privacy and my life in this wiretapping society.

OO...that leads me to Harold & Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay. Except for the obscene objectification of women (aka nudity everywhere), I rather liked it. I'm hesistant to admit, I let out a few fan-girl gasps of excitement during Roldie's parts. Plus, G.Dubb. was in it, and what an accurate portrayal of the blundering fella. Sometimes movies like these are the only things that dare to say what we secretly wish we could but don't, cuz it's all about being PC. Well, this is the very antithesis of PC and kosherness. So watch it, cuz you know you wanna.

I bought some opal jewelry off eBay today. Made me feel all warm and tingly.

SYTYCD is the best show ever created. Talent, Mia Michaels, shirtless males, Mia Michaels, hot tamale trains, did I mention Mia Michaels? She is God. This week, Will was eliminated!! What in the name of hot tamales was America thinking?!! Our only hope now is Katee...she is truly the best, more soulful, contemporary dancer I've ever seen...and perfection/heart/personality in every number! a-MAAAA-zing.

Every day I take time to do something read an inspiration blog, update a quote wall, or watch Oprah...(lol). And this time I came upon an incredible story of a hiker who bravely severed his own arm with a dull knife when a boulder had immobilized him. Days of sawing away at his own flesh and drinking his "brown" pee to even make it through another day. That's his description by the way. Anyway, his name is Aron Ralston, and I found him from a article. Made me think though, having the will to live through something traumatic is really the greatest gift. Overcoming it really made him stronger. That's how people are differentiated I guess, those who succumb and those who overcome. Though both are faced with the same obstacles, same humiliation, same devastation, the ones who are weak will always be categorized as such, but the strong will be lifted upon shoulders and revered for their bravery. That really makes me rethink my past actions. Have I been resilient? Can I bounce back? It's knowing that you are in control of your destiny and never a victim of others' actions.

Word of caution: is seriously whack though. Addicting as crack, but you will soon feel the need to hurl after reading some of their "worst of" lists.

I've been exploring the abyssal depths of the web with no end in sight, but seems I should get up from my trance, and let my limbs feel the full force of gravity again.


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