Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pre-departure RAMPAGE

Can't.stop.retail.addiction!! It started off being therapy, turned into habit, and now..I've created a monster.

Last night, I scrambled to make a list of necessary items for my UK adventure.

It consisted of:
clothes, clothes, and oh wait, MORE CLOTHES!

Here is a small sampling: Flair cross-over smock-looking black jacket, white shorts, gladiator heels, conservative dress (haha it concerns me that I don't have one yet), cardigan (since someone stole mine, sad day), a black clutch (I lost mine..or maybe someone stole it..either way, sadface), and the list goes on.

Me and mother went shop-hopping today.

Here's my photo-less haul: 7 VS lipglosses (who can say no to Semi-Annual sale!!) and a brush pouch thingy, 2 A&F shorts (best $70 ever spent...because my mom freaked the fuck out), Forever21 Heritage dress in plaid (Brits like plaid right?? haha)

Aside: Going to Abercrombie, I was reminded of the months I spent slaving away at the hands of that greedy corporate giant as a "model" what a joke. The greeting by an expressionless tall preppy boy (non-Caucasian, of course, because they are required by law to exude "diversity"); the lack of salespeople on the floor; the stolid faces of "I'm too cool for school" community college kids who settle for minimum-wage; the blaring of techno music; the disregard for fitting room attendance. Ahhh good memories.

Tomorrow, there's more damage to be done. A trip to Ross (for a restockage of my Burberry the Beat at an unmentionable price, and for shoes perhaps? *excitely*), another Abercrombie run for a cutesie jacket that was out of stock today, and a large piece of luggage to handle my wardrobe slash serve as potential souvenir storage.

Don't mess with me! I'm going to haul ass!

OTHER TO DOs: internship, host sibling, change webbie, call Krista (I believe that's her name?) etc. I like how my blog is now my to-do list. I heart lists.

Sidenote: Where did I hear this??? "Who is this ily bitch and why is she all over your wall".. I don't know if it's Dane Cook or How I Met Your Mother or WHAT! If you have any idea, please clue me in in the comments.


(P.S. I know, how lame and Gossip Girl of me, but WHATEVS. GG ftw)


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