Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'd Love Me Some Crumpets

Post-"seeing people graduate" depression: That should have been me. It could have been me, if I had chosen to walk this year. This is what Dr. Phil would call a quarter-life crisis. These past few days, I've been feeling like a ton of bricks LITERALLY crushed me under it's unbearable weight, when I should have been celebrating the end of the school year. This sudden torment made me start dissecting and analyzing other inadequacies..a natural tendency gone so completely wrong, and all explanations aside...

I need a push in the right direction. Preferably, a big hi-yah and I'm flying across the country.

I got that today. In the form of a blogger named Cheri. Her energy, her no-holds-barred attitude, her spunk, made me realize that I have been choking that girl inside of me. Keeping myself proper, polite, acceptable was my way of pleasing people. But I'm fucking sick of being someone I hate. I'd rather have people hate me.

She recently commented:
"Fuck those negative losers.
If you want to have a constantly positive attitude and surround yourself with only like-minded people? Just DO IT. Be the change you want to see in the world! Who gives a fuck? It's never too late to turn your world around and be the person that you've always wanted to be.

Those who MIND don't matter, and those who matter? DON'T MIND."

I'm done surrounding myself with fucked up people who are looking out for themselves and only themselves.

It's time for a change. Maybe a new haircut haha...but no thanks (cutting your own hair is dangerous as I've learned the hard way). Oh here's one:

In less than 4 days, I'll be in England!! Suddenly, heart pounding, blood rushing..I'm seriously ready to get out of this 5 by 5 cell.. (ughh...that reminds of that J-Lo movie). I'll be posting my inspirations and random tidbits so expect frequent updates. Maybe I'll even start twittering again after my 5 failed attempts at liking it. hahhaaha

This opportunity to relieve my suffocation..it feels like Redbull has just given me wings. LOLOL. I may do some pirouettes in my kitchen right now. :)

But instead, I'll watch some more Justin Nozuka videos.

I'm in a weird mood what can I say...

He's going to be in England the same time I'm going!! I'm thinking about train-riding it to see him. When in Rome (or in the "general" vicinity)! That's the way I see it.

EDIT: His tickets SOLD OUT when I was about to buy them today! What the flying F*********!!
I was on such a high last night watching all his Youtube videos and now THIS?! He's seriously missin out!

Lol..I'm liking this Cheri-inspired attitude.


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