Wednesday, February 4, 2009

To my one devoted reader

Haha. Thanks for commenting on my last post whoever you are. Although this blog is mainly a very one-sided (not one-dimensional mind you) conversation with the the screen before me, I jump at the chance to interact with my viewer(s). It's nice to know I'm not just some temperamental primate, running a muck in its cage, garbling nonsense to unsuspecting passers-by. I, moonlighting as a poet, playwright, may be considered the laughing stock of buffoonery. Or maybe I come off as a boozer, confused and delirious. But whatever the case, I do it out of love for life's less glamorous occasions, the unsentimental empty moments that drag until the wee hours. And here, I get to expound all my wishes and wonders, and in return, I get this wonderful feeling like when you use that Mint Julep mask on your pores. It's refreshing, cleansing, happy-making, but I digress.

The reason for this post is not really of real moral value, so if you're looking for a jolt of philosophical wisdom, come tomorrow please. It's more a study break or rather study distraction kind of post, with no direction, conclusion of any kind. But here is my mind map of the moment if you'll have it:

EAP deadline February 12. If I want to go to England, I better get off my arse, and do the bloody thing.
That 99 cent store energy shot did nothing but make one eye stop drooping.
Globalization theories are unsatisfying. As abstract as a Newman painting, but with none of the aesthetic quality that makes me want to put it up on my bedroom wall and stare at it before I fall asleep
That empty piano bench that is one giant leap away. I gravitate towards it. But physically constricted, I sink right back into the gingham, amongst an agglomeration of scattered books, course readers, printed readings, and unnatural supplements that supposedly make you think you can finish them all in one sitting.
Public relations. It's my job. I must sell things, people, events, ideas. I have 10 tabs of public relations ideas. Care to join me in this madness???

And with such a labyrinth of joy and sweet surprises, it's a wonder why I seek refuge in the little orange B on my bookmarks toolbar. It's just one more tab. One more hour wasted..or rather redistributed for the purpose of making better latent judgments...or not. As my computer slowly emits it husky whir, and my palms start to feel like their molded into the scalding keyboard hand-rest, I begin to think, maybe I should stop typing and start studying, like sensible folk do.

So taking my own advice, I'm off to revel in midterm bliss. Haha. Aren't we all comedians?

By the way, for any poli-scientist out there...what is this Obama stimulus package going to do to us financially?! Seems kind of counter-productive if you ask me. Of course, I'm not the most viable candidate for political debate. CNN hasn't been my preferred choice of programming since the summer months, when I was a gym-crazed political juggernaut.

Explanation: Since Obama became our nation's number one go-to guy, I've relinquished my haughty criticism of the demoralized U.S. political system. I trust this man, almost as much as I trust that there is chicken in chicken nuggets (not according to Ken Robinson, but he's British, lol).

ad astra per alia porci..a la Steinbeck. I love Latin-isms, they add that Sriracha kick to any dull post such as this. :)


meg said...

you're such a lovely person, fifi.

Fancy Wings said...

fifi baby...i just remembered u had a blog. it's a good study break...maybe i'll join a blog instead of twitter, it's like twittering a bajillion times as opposed to one post. haha. okee enough random comments. love u, and hope finals are good to u :)

<3 jujube

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