Monday, December 29, 2008

Jon and Kate Plus Upd8

Fig 1. Self-cam with moose ears. Awkward, no?
Fig 2. Um, perfect way to greet guests. I want one!
Fig 3. To match my blogskin!
Fig. 4. I'm starting to like the minimalistic look. But take off that throw, and you've got a hospital feels like I've been chained to one of those these days.

So I realize the last post seemed a little Debbie-Downerish and didn't really make much grammatical sense so I've saved you the trouble of ignoring it by giving it the boot! :)

On to the important stuff. Like plastic surgeried girls who look like trannies to redecorating my bedroom.

But's vital I air this out! After being in my bedroom for 4 days straight (I'll explain soon), I've noticed my bare white walls and the scattered things in boxes are a little too bleak-lookin for my taste. So, my new year's resolution? Breathe new life to my environment, if not by a change in scenery, then at least a reorganization of my material world (or organization would be a first step). You'll be the first to see the finished product.

Hmmm, while I nitpick the room around me, I mustn't forget how unfortunate my own circumstance was.

After a week of paradise followed by a week of torture, my cheeks have finally deflated to a small lump on my lower right're not my doc, but it's relevant..sitting around waiting for disfiguration and pain to go away especially on Christmas Day isn't exactly a dream come true.

By the way, my new favorite Youtuber----Natalie "communitychannel"; For the WIN! (my new annoying "in" phrase that I will casually slip into my everyday convo...or not.)

I don't know why this would matter, but I actually researched where Australian accents came from cuz I always wondered what accent it sounded like besides British. It turns out, the accent originates from cockney and Irish accents with some slang generously thrown in. Those Aussies, they love their litotes! Look it up, I'm too lazy to explain.

Speaking of my reclined and restless state of post-operative loneliness, I was able to complete the following:
1) Check my grades (eek)
2) Check and reply to my 135 emails that came in all from my one-week to Hawaii
3) Freak out my iPhone not syncing and researching/restoring/resetting for 7 hours all to no avail. Time for the paid hackers to come to the rescue.
4) Read 3 self-help books to lessen my cynicism (become emotionally younger if you may)
5) Do some good ol' soul-searching, only to wind up freaking out again about my future...AGAIN! UGH, it's like a bad, bad disease. And somehow, knowing that there's a chunk of literature all devoted to demystifying the quarterlife crisis doesn't give me any consolation.

Oh one good thing has come out of all of this lounging/freaking-out combination:

I've finished Jon & Kate Plus 8 the First Season. And I hereby decide...2 MAX. When I see this woman go, it's like she's a programmed beast with endurance that outlasts Olympians. I wish to be that efficient at multitasking one day. But instead of babies, how about consulting cases or event plans?

For your viewing pleasure,
If your in the mood for warm fuzzies with a little screaming to boot, I can't stress enough how cute this show is. My fave sextuplet is Alexis! If only I could be 2

If you want a good laugh at the ridiculousness of material girls, I highly recommend a dose of Xiaxue on her Youtube channel. Her bluntness and fakeness crack me up. Oh and her accent when she says such obscenities makes it all the more delightful. Her blog, on the other hand, doesn't quite translate the same.

If you want me to shut up

Yet again, I'm pretty much done rambling. Haha..oh wait...


*cue fireworks and confetti*


Copyright 2008 © Fiona. All rights reserved.