Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Real New Year

"Holy smokes! What?!" you may scream in disbelief. Well, young grasshopper, I believe in the Lunar New Year that Emperor Huang Ti introduced in 2600 BC. Just kidding..I'm a lazy American. I prefer to save the mental marathon of calculating the "actual year" and would rather comply with the mooing masses over arguing for tradition any day. But by golly, I'm excited for this holiday of firecrackers, yummy food, and last but not least red pouches (though I never seem to get more than $20 all together..*grumble* stingy relatives...just kidding Auntie Penny!).

And this year, it's my Mother's year...the year of the did my ancestors know?!! It's befitting.

This year, just like every other year, holidays signify disaster in my fam. Me, bitter and senile? But that's what you get when your parents cleverly switch personality roles just as soon as the ripe ol' age of 20 dawns on you (reminiscent of being crushed by a cartoon anvil); and a mature, intelligent conversation is seemingly a foreign concept to people you once trusted would guide you and be unconditionally loving.

But arguing with "childish" rents won't get me anywhere. I'll leave it up to the Fates to deal with them. Whatever. New year's resolution: (plain and simple, since specifics and perfectionism lead to nowhere: more me = less other crap = less a nutshell, don't sweat the petty things..and needless to say, don't pet the sweaty things...(like me after I work out)..ok bad visual, excuse me.

I must of course introduce my new plan for world domination (Brain) while staying an amiable free spirit (Pinky): daily gyming. It's been the solution so far.

When grades were bad, relationships seemed fickle and transparent, and almost everything didn't go my way, I sat through it, bearing the torrential blows with clenched teeth and fists..weathering the storm that seemed to get bigger and bolder. But now, as I open my eyes and slowly blink away the blinding unfamiliarity..I see all of it has been the product of childish invention, I'm no longer stupid enough to sit around and take it. As disciplined as a rottweiler standing guard, I may have obeyed..but who in their right mind willingly takes pain, when there is no gain at the end of the rainbow, or per se, at the end of the rainstorm??

The WAVE MACHINE...that holy grail of calorie-crunching. I have found it to be the best part of my day, and am proud to say, me and it have been going on 2 weeks strong and counting. Bad test score, sweat it away! Argument with unfriendly personnel, higher resistance! It's the remedy I've been waiting so long for, and finally, it's helped me regain an ounce of sanity that I so dearly yearned for.

I now leave you with a performance...not by me..huha ahemm I'm not attempting to overcome stage-fright quite yet. But some Disney songs never hurt anyone.

Have a great week!..there's so much I want to say, but so little capacity to hold the attention of a 1 person audience.

So,..later outergator (haha as little 3 year old Alexis (from Jon & Kate) would say ;D).

and congrats to the inauguration of another year-of-the-ox baby: OUR NEW PREZ BARACK OBAMA..holla!


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