Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Photo cred: D4D1

Hi there. I'm getting back into the groove of things. I like change but it takes me awhile to find myself again during those times, and so during that awkward growing stage, I've been on hiatus...to shed all the ugly that had accumulated. It's complicated.

Anyway, I'm gonna start moving in a new direction. Hopefully some of the things that inspire me will show through this time; things I see that strike me as beautiful and memorable, things that make me rofl, things that possess me to put it into permanence the best way I know how. Basically, I'd like my blog to be more of a place of sharing things I love rather than an outlet for short bursts of negative emotion. So this is me throwing my hair back to take in a breath of fresh air and starting from scratch.

Please keep an open mind when reading this and I hope we can learn from each other. It will be like an interactive gratitude journal with side-noted insights and photos to document. I'm learning. I'm growing. And I want to share it all with you guys. :)


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