Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weekday Getaway


So that last post took a serious turn into a matter that might not have relevance to anybody out there, but here is where I meant to dig into.


The outlook of fresh out of college undergrads aka moi is looking grimmer than grim. It's a frightening spectacle when all the GPAs, test scores, and paper resumes must seem identical to employers, and the only thing that's left to do is hire the most dimwitted of the bunch just because he/she is good at regurgitating. I am a free-thinker, mind you. I made some mistakes, and I learned. I took on too much to handle, and I learned. I fought to be where I am, and I have no regrets. Where did all that and my hard earned education go? Even worse, I don't just want to do what's "right." Following where the money goes like the IRS (aka the life of an i-banker). I want a job I like. My dream job. I want to NOT dread waking up to my 9 hour workday. I feel like it's not too much to ask.

So today, I began the planning.
GRE, Design/B-Schools in the Netherlands, United Nations apps, scouring Business Week for acceptance statistics and international rankings. I've broadened my outlook. And I could go anywhere. Do anything. I finally feel like I'm not trapped in LA, in this little image I've built of myself over the last 4 years, destined to work in a cubicle in a dwindling marketing department of a media company. I realized that may be the plausible thing expected of me, the safe route, the sensible thing to do. But when did I start thinking sensibly?? I'm an free-thinking idealist dammit and I AM WOMAN!

Moral of the story. I'm TAKING THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED. And the key is and always will be persistence. (I know it's cliche in that turtle in the hare story, but that turtle DID kick some major ass.)


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