Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can I Get A Witness

I'm officially 21. Old enough to drink in the U.S. Not old enough to know what I'm doing in this place called Earth. To begin, the other day something a friend said really got to me.

Everyone in this world is insignificant. And although we're all trying to find our significance and wield some amount of power over another, it's not why we're here. Being here, being born into this world, and being able to express ourselves through speech is not what makes us different from other animals. The real thing we do that truly differentiates us and makes us "human" is the force that drives us to make ourselves better, make each other better, and make the world a better place for future generations. As long as I have touched one person's life in some positive way, I have made a difference, and I am content in the honor of having "lived".

Now, this came from someone who doesn't believe in God. And me, I'm never one to argue over religious matters. I won't even bring up my stance on the matter or divulge my beliefs here. But it isn't about the God-fearing versus the God-less. Why would God, if there is one, want people to be divided and hate each other? It's senseless really, when all that energy could be directed towards improving the disease and poverty in developing countries. It just makes me really wonder what the fuck, mind my language, people who are in stable communities, healthy, and surrounded by families have to worry about? Nitpicking is what people do. Once you're in a good place in life, it's about getting even higher. Perfecting. Competing. Blaming. It's the closed-minded values instilled in our childhood that keeps us from seeing the BIG PICTURE and the opportunity for change.

Laws. There they are. They're just words on a paper. Signed by some stalwart, power-hungry, despot. These words aren't etched in stone or formed like million year old stalactites. Laws, people, things are fluid. And I'm sick being afraid to risk myself (or my pride) when I want to see some real change. It makes me want to work for the UN and get things accomplished because too many people don't understand why we should worry about the state of our country, or even more ridiculous, the welfare of another country. Droves of self-assuring believers don't realize that wars over religion are inherently POINTLESS. IGNORANCE is everywhere. And it's more a misunderstanding than a personality disorder of course, but someone needs to be the informant. Someone needs to stand in the line of fire in order for people to see the world can be saved, and that it is ONE WORLD, ONE PEOPLE. Not just one nation under God. It's about the good of the human race. Because, look out. Soon enough it's going to be 2012 and no higher being can save a race that doesn't deserve to be saved.

HAHA. I hope that scared you a little. Happy Halloween.


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