Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sometimes I feel like I AM Bridget Jones

I don't know if it's the recent ugliness explosion of my epidermis, but I am on a skincare rampage due to an insurmountable inferiority complex that can only be quelled by purchasing every gimmicky quick-fix at Sephora, plus the Laneige regimen system, some 15 different kinds of BB creams, and more. shopping spree must finally come to a screeching halt. What am I doing--spending money I don't have?

In light of this unpalatable glimpse of poverty, I've begun a job hunt. Now, what kind of torture I am up for THIS time..

Stapling? Copying? Filing? Oh Joy!
No..maybe I'll sell my body on the street.

But wait, prostitution is never the answer. Instead, I can follow the footsteps of one of my good high school friends that I caught up with yesterday. In her free time, she makes jewelry, and aspires to start a bakery. That's it! I'll sit by the garbage can in front of the 7-eleven, beading little strands of thread and plier-ing microscopic metal coils together. I could definitely be Paris Hilton's new best friend. Ugh.

So I've decided I'm in the mood the learn "mixology", the fine art of mixing alcoholic beverages..aka bartending. And now, I will be a whopping 2 steps short of prostitution. But then again, as a good salesperson told me, every encounter is a form of prostitution and you don't need to take off your clothes to self yourself. Who was that again? Some chick on a street corner...

I'm bitter. It's the dry skin. Or the 4 a.m. bipolarity?? I hope its curable..then again..who's around to see it? Back to blabbering...


Sometimes, people ask me "Why don't you have a boyfriend?"
Then I say "I don't know? I'm too busy?"

But the correct answer should be "I WISH! I want my Prince Charming to save me from myself..but at the same time I know I need to figure out my own life before I let someone get involved in this mess."

If this post is making you dizzy. Please stop. Compose yourself. Take a coffee break. Return with some fun insights. Ok, moving on.

I just watched the movie Get Smart with Steve Carell. It was surprisingly hysterical. While I heard the faint grunts and snores of the other 7 people in the room, I was too busy being possessed by Carell's sheepish, awkward charm. Ahhh.

Wow..this has got to be the first good movie I've seen in ages. Last movie: The one with 4 women?? It was so bad I don't even know the name of it. Oh yeah, it was called The Women (had to take a trip to imdb).

Anyway, while unsuccessfully trying to describe my favorite plot lines to my mother in broken Mandarin, (Wheeew that was a lot of prepositional phrases) I decided "Well, suck it, I'll just compile a list of my favorite movies for your future viewing pleasure mother, and save both of us the pain of trying to describe/decipher "concubines" and "love affairs" in my limited Chinese vocabulary. Ew, language barriers and generation gaps do NOT go together.

So here it is...a list, painstakingly compiled while backing up my hard drive onto my new Simpletech portable HD! (YAYAYAY, haha yea i know..nerd):

match point**
becoming jane**
50 first dates
the other bolelyn girl
the prestige
the illusionist
lost in translation
love actually
a cinderella man
ever after
lars and the real girl**

the diving bell and the butterfly
the jane austen book club
the kite runner
girl with a pearl earring
the duchess
emma 1996
charlie wilson's war
michael clayton
august rush
gone baby gone
PS I love you
pride and prejudice 2005
the dark knight
the office season 1-4
pushing daisies 1
across the universe
entourage 1
tropic thunder
chronicles prince caspian
the namesake
little children
half nelson
miss potter
mr brooks
the queen
the painted veil
roger and me
bowling for columbine
the big one
reign over me (adam sandler)
death at a funeral**
in bruges
into the wild
la vie en rose

OLD ONES: (#for watched), (@for need to get)
the lady eve#
the awful truth#
the philadelphia story#
bringing up baby#
his girl friday#
sleepless in seattle@
when harry met sally@
bridget jones' diary@
roman holiday@
motorcycle diaries@
y tu mama tambien@

Why the random list, you may wonder? Just cuz. Maybe you'll find it useful for your trips to Blockbuster or Piratebay. Thanks for stopping by, and if you have any miracle cures for my disfiguring "situation" please drop a line or a comment. :)

-signed, "decidedly dumber after watching get smart"


Copyright 2008 © Fiona. All rights reserved.