Monday, May 4, 2009


I've loved music more than anything in the world since I was old enough to sing along to "Edelweiss". It has been the unconditional friend/punching bag through all my ups and downs.

But recently, I have left for dead all of the originality that makes me love music so much (like I'm living to the beat of a soundtrack).

So I look to dear forgotten friend. At the touch of an iPhone app button, I'm brought back to the good ol' days..when music came from the soul.

Chill/Sleep music
Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers
Norah Jones - Turn Me On

Fun/Dance Music (mostly new)
The Cab - Disturbia (Rihanna Cover)
The Cab - That 70's Song
Kelly Clarkson - Longshot
From my iPhone while I was listening to Longshot--- Longshot by Nevertheless

Check them out..let me know what you think..and if you are equally ashamed of the music that's out there today. I leave you with a prime example of the originality deficit slash repetitive nature of current pop. Too bad it's annoyingly catchy.


noone said...

I love pandora, I find out so much new stuff through there! And the new flo rida song is super catchy. Well, "Blue" was a huge hit before too hehe

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